I intended to post about this very important rally in DC earlier in the month, but did not. Better yet, I've got this awesome account of the event from good friend and one of the founders of New Jersey Vaccination Choice, Mary DeBonis.
The organization was founded in response to the fact that New Jersey has the most vaccine mandates of any state and the highest rates of autism and in order to encourage and empower parents to make informed decisions about vaccination for their children.
Mary attended the march on Washington "Green our Vaccines Rally -- Too Many, Too Soon" to raise vaccine awareness. Below is her letter.
In peace and good health,
Dear family, friends, and colleagues,
As many of you have been asking, I did indeed embark on a remarkable journey to DC, June 4, to march in the "Green our Vaccines Rally--Too Many, Too Soon." For those who weren't there, I wanted to share my unique, inspiring and sometimes heart-breaking experiences with you.
The March was attended by 8,500 people, who represented every state in the country, as well as Canada and Mexico. We were surrounded by people from all walks of life-- parents, grandparents, children, scientists, physicians, politicians, media, and celebrities, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, who is mom to a vaccine-damaged son -- who all shared one common goal: to raise vaccine awareness. As we began our 1.3 mile march from the towering Washington Monument, you could see the dizzying array of people, most of whom were clad in bold Green Our Vaccines t-shirts. There was an unusual sense of comraderie and connection among this crowd. They seemed calm, yet extremely determined; optimistic about the goal of raising awareness, yet cautious about the outcome; sad, knowing that tens of thousands of our children are vaccine-injured, yet hopeful that more children will be healed and many more will be spared this tragedy.
Our group marched down Independence Avenue, past many government buildings, chanting "Green Our Vaccines" and "Too Many, Too Soon" to the government employees, media and passers-by who would listen...all the way to the infamous Capitol Hill. As we stood facing the Capitol, we listened to Dr. Jay Gordon, a pediatrician who has healed and continues to heal vaccine-injured children, including Jenny McCarthy's son, through a special diet, heavy metal chelation and supplements; esteemed scientist Boyd Haley who explained the devastating effects of mercury and aluminum, from vaccines, on developing bodies; Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who confirmed the conflicts of interests within our CDC, WHO, vaccine manufacturers and others whose greed, sadly, has trumped our children's health and wellbeing; then finally, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, who spoke from their hearts, and introduced us to Jenny's son, Evan, who is now recovering from autism! The moment in time that remains burned in my memory, though, was when Jenny asked all 8,500 people to face the media's cameras and hold up a photo of their vaccine-injured child, or that of a friend or relative. As each of us looked around, with tears in our eyes, we could not believe what we were seeing: there, caught on tape by Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and dozens of other media outlets, was the proof, the Evidence of Harm, that our children are suffering from the toxins in our vaccines. There was no denying it. And, these were the parents and friends who will not let allow them to become a forgotten generation.
If you are interested, I've attached a link to some of the signs, photos, and attendees...Robert Kennedy Jr, and Jenny and Jim are toward the end:
Additionally, I have included clips of the speeches by RFK Jr, Jim and Jenny. They were truly awe-inspiring:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
Jim Carrey's Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
Jenny McCarthy's Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
I wanted to pass along my experiences with the hope of helping just one more child. We met so many parents who shared their success stories of healing their children through chelation, gluten-free/casein-free diets; glutathione, essential fatty acids and B12 supplements, plus cranial sacral therapy, homeopathic remedies and more. They also passed along their words of wisdom: ask parents to do their homework and not blindly follow vaccine recommendations. It's time for us to make informed decisions for our own children. It is no coincidence that NJ has the most vaccine mandates of any state and the highest rates of autism.
This was truly an historic event and one that will live on in my memories. I hope you enjoyed the journey! If I can answer any questions, please let me know. Thanks for listening...
Warm regards, Mary
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can changethe world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead (Dec. 1901 - Nov. 1978)
As many of you have been asking, I did indeed embark on a remarkable journey to DC, June 4, to march in the "Green our Vaccines Rally--Too Many, Too Soon." For those who weren't there, I wanted to share my unique, inspiring and sometimes heart-breaking experiences with you.
The March was attended by 8,500 people, who represented every state in the country, as well as Canada and Mexico. We were surrounded by people from all walks of life-- parents, grandparents, children, scientists, physicians, politicians, media, and celebrities, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, who is mom to a vaccine-damaged son -- who all shared one common goal: to raise vaccine awareness. As we began our 1.3 mile march from the towering Washington Monument, you could see the dizzying array of people, most of whom were clad in bold Green Our Vaccines t-shirts. There was an unusual sense of comraderie and connection among this crowd. They seemed calm, yet extremely determined; optimistic about the goal of raising awareness, yet cautious about the outcome; sad, knowing that tens of thousands of our children are vaccine-injured, yet hopeful that more children will be healed and many more will be spared this tragedy.
Our group marched down Independence Avenue, past many government buildings, chanting "Green Our Vaccines" and "Too Many, Too Soon" to the government employees, media and passers-by who would listen...all the way to the infamous Capitol Hill. As we stood facing the Capitol, we listened to Dr. Jay Gordon, a pediatrician who has healed and continues to heal vaccine-injured children, including Jenny McCarthy's son, through a special diet, heavy metal chelation and supplements; esteemed scientist Boyd Haley who explained the devastating effects of mercury and aluminum, from vaccines, on developing bodies; Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who confirmed the conflicts of interests within our CDC, WHO, vaccine manufacturers and others whose greed, sadly, has trumped our children's health and wellbeing; then finally, Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy, who spoke from their hearts, and introduced us to Jenny's son, Evan, who is now recovering from autism! The moment in time that remains burned in my memory, though, was when Jenny asked all 8,500 people to face the media's cameras and hold up a photo of their vaccine-injured child, or that of a friend or relative. As each of us looked around, with tears in our eyes, we could not believe what we were seeing: there, caught on tape by Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and dozens of other media outlets, was the proof, the Evidence of Harm, that our children are suffering from the toxins in our vaccines. There was no denying it. And, these were the parents and friends who will not let allow them to become a forgotten generation.
If you are interested, I've attached a link to some of the signs, photos, and attendees...Robert Kennedy Jr, and Jenny and Jim are toward the end:
Additionally, I have included clips of the speeches by RFK Jr, Jim and Jenny. They were truly awe-inspiring:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
Jim Carrey's Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
Jenny McCarthy's Speech on June 4, 2008 - Green our Vaccines
I wanted to pass along my experiences with the hope of helping just one more child. We met so many parents who shared their success stories of healing their children through chelation, gluten-free/casein-free diets; glutathione, essential fatty acids and B12 supplements, plus cranial sacral therapy, homeopathic remedies and more. They also passed along their words of wisdom: ask parents to do their homework and not blindly follow vaccine recommendations. It's time for us to make informed decisions for our own children. It is no coincidence that NJ has the most vaccine mandates of any state and the highest rates of autism.
This was truly an historic event and one that will live on in my memories. I hope you enjoyed the journey! If I can answer any questions, please let me know. Thanks for listening...
Warm regards, Mary
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can changethe world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead (Dec. 1901 - Nov. 1978)