Saturday, May 10, 2008

How to Make Peace with Mom

One of my long-term goals in life was to become a mother. I am thrilled celebrate this Mother's Day as the mom of two beautiful boys.

One of my short-term goals in life is to attend one of Alison Rose Levy's Family Constellation Repatterning events in NYC where she guides attendees to breakthrough and resolve deeply entrenched patterns deriving from your family and ancestors in a one-day workshop.

Sounds intense, doesn't it? That's what's so appealing to me.

Ms. Levy is also a health journalist and bestselling writer. In the latest issue of her monthly ezine, she published the following in honor of Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day to all. Enjoy.
:) Jen

How to Make Peace with Mom
A bouquet of roses, a box of candy, a long distance phone call. What will you give your mother this Mother’s Day? And more importantly, what will you really feel as you make your offering? Will your heart overflow with love and gratitude? Or will you be gritting your teeth, plastering a smile on, bracing yourself for Mom’s next number?

Some people have mothers as supportive and sympathetic as warm apple pie with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. But when it comes to the maternal bond, others feel like onlookers, their faces pressed against icy window panes, watching a scene that they’ve never experienced.

If the downsides of your maternal relationship are all too apparent, then you need support for making peace with Mom. Please go to this link: and share your biggest obstacle. Then watch the film, Meditations on Mom, designed to help you in taking the first step towards resolution. It's a challenge to feel warm and cuddly if Mom was neglectful, absent, abusive, addicted, withdrawn, intrusive, critical, self-absorbed, or just plain weird. So how do we respond?

With low self-esteem. Or by experiencing all too many “life lessons.” Repeating non-optimal life patterns—anything from relationship failures to financial nosedives, from mood swings to troubled kids. Whatever may be wrong with our lives, a lot of it seems to originate with Mom and our relationship to her.Through a workshop process I offer called Family Repatterning, a lot of people come to heal their relationship with their Moms. Does that mean we can turn back time and undo what was experienced? or what Mom did? Absolutely not.

But the wisdom of Family Repatterning can help us rediscover the love and make peace through rediscovering a simple connection. In this and upcoming issues of the Collective Realm ezine, I'll address this dilemma because the relationship with Mom is so foundational to our lives.

My Mother's Day Wish for You
Whoever she was and whatever she did, my Mother's Day wish for you is to make peace with Mom and to come to terms with your relationship with Mom as it is. That's why I made Meditations on Mom, a Mother’s Day poem/film in honor of my own highly imperfect, beautiful, wonderful one of a kind mother—and of yours’.

Mother's Day Blessing Ceremony
Join me and other healers from every tradition to offer blessings to all mothers throughout the world. When: May 11th, 1:30 - 4 PM. Where: St. Bart's Church, 109 East 50th Street, New York City (at Park Avenue). Doors open at 1 PM.
For current workshop signups go to:
Or write to:

Alison Rose Levy, MA, health journalist, bestselling writer, and facilitator of Collective Family Healing publishes this monthly ezine on collective healing. Sign up at: to first heal your family, then heal your world. You can also access our workshops, reports, coaching, and other supports forcollective wisdom at For current workshop signups go to:

1 comment:

Green Divas said...

great mums day post. thanks jen! i doubt i'll go to NY, but i'll do my own thing here - if the weather stays as gorgeous as it is - in my own backyard. GD Meg